Search and Download the Event App by Events Air and enter the Event App Code Mrna2023
Here you can find the up to date Program for the conference.
Use this Button to ask questions during the Live-Stream.
Meeting Hub
Use this Button to contact other attendees, schedule Meetings and scan their QR code to save the contact.
To scan a code use the tab “scan” and click the button “scan and connect”.
Your scanned contacts can be found under “connections”
Click on export to have a list of your scanned connection send to you via email
Find a list of all speakers here. You can find their biography, an overview when they are scheduled for a talk and their talk abstracts.
Here you can find the E-Posters of the abstract authors.
Resource Gallery
Have a look at the Resource Gallery to save some Brochures.
Click this Button to see a list of all the Sponsors, their Logo and description, as well as Brochures.
Privacy & Settings
Here you can set which of your data should be shared with other participants and how you want this to be displayed. Please set this directly at the beginning.
My Photo
Click this button to upload a profile picture, the image will be shared in the Meeting Hub and other areas of the Attendee APP.
Your personal QR code is stored here.
You can use it to share your information with other participants or to print your name badge.
Event Notes
Use this Button to make Notes at the conference, to maybe ask questions and safe your thoughts.
Log Out
Click here to Log Out, If you are not logged in already this button will show: Log in
Your access code will be send with the final infomailing including your Barcode for your badge onsite / your access data for the virtual platform
Please make sure to click on the Privacy & Settings button, when first using the APP. In order for other participants to be able to contact you, you have to allow the APP to share your data/prohibit it.
You can use the APP to network with both, the virtual and the onsite participants. To do so please click on the Meeting Hub button, here to your left on the phone, to see further instructions.